Smartline Conference | A new vision for health & housing 2022
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“Collaboration is the number one aspect, because, without collaboration, there’s no way of understanding what the problems are... Smartline is all about bringing together disparate systems.”
— George Grant. CEO & Founder, Housing Technology
Smartline Conference
Documentary. Smartline - A groundbreaking research project supported by more than 300 social housing residents
Through our work, we’re gaining a better understanding of people’s health and wellbeing needs. We’re exploring behaviours that drive those needs, and the role of the volunteer sector in community change. We’re also uncovering how ready and willing people are to use digital technology that aims to improve health and wellbeing. Our work is supporting the development of an innovative eHealth and eWellbeing enterprise sector, driving improvements in health and wellbeing for individuals and the community. Our research is being used to support Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.
“Smartline has some excellent evidence and data. I think one of the things that it demonstrates is how different ways of working and different data collection can help with prevention.”
— Tracey Roose. CEO Age UK Cornwall & Isles of Scilly, Chair Smartline Advisory Board
Conference Speakers & Keynotes
Keynote: George Grant. Founder & Publisher, Housing Technology
Associate Professor Emma Bland. Smartline & ECEHH
Session 1. Sensing the Home. Dr Tamaryn Menneer, Dr Tim Walker, Dr Richard Woods, Research Fellows, University of Exeter & Anthony Ball, Public Health Practitioner Wider Determinants & Fuel Poverty, Cornwall Council
Session 2. Enterprise Support Showcase Seymour, Smartline Knowledge Exchange Officer, University of Exeter & Rosie Graham, Programme Manager, South West Academic Health Science Network
Session 2. Building Stronger & More Connected Communities with Karen Spooner, Smartline Community Development Manager, Volunteer Cornwall
Session 3. Digital Inclusion Keynote. Helen Milner OBE, Group Chief Executive, Good Things Foundation
Panel Discussion. Tracey Roose, CEO, Age UK Cornwall & Isles of Scilly (Chair). Mark England, Head of Innovation, Maintenance and Group Procurement, Coastline Housing. Chris Jones, CEO, HomeLINK. Prof Karyn Morrissey, Denmark University of Technology. Helen Milner OBE, Group Chief Executive, Good Things Foundation
Smartline - A new vision for health and housing. Conference recording
“The level of the data and the level of flexibility and intuitiveness that the data can give is absolutely amazing.”
Joy Ashman — Housing Strategy & Partnerships Officer, Cornwall Council